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Rollout Support

January 15, 2018 08:38

We will set up a new instance of the OSCaR system for your organization and assist with importing your existing client information. If you need any localization or display adjustments, we can accom...

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Ongoing Consultation and Training

January 15, 2018 08:38

Once you’re online with OSCaR, our staff can meet with your management in order to help set up custom programming as needed, and explain the full OSCaR feature set to a few key contacts. We can als...

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Individual Feature Development

January 15, 2018 08:39

We provide custom development services for organizations to build specific features on top of the default OSCaR functionality. Additionally, we offer APIs to facilitate integration with third-party...

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Fast Tech Support

January 15, 2018 08:39

As you go on with using OSCaR, we'll meet, chat and email with you regularly to ensure that you're getting the support you need at every step. If you're in a place where we can catch up in person, ...